Log Cabin Assembly
At Conestoga, we recognize that many cabin lovers are do-it-yourselfers. So, we designed our kits with the ease of log cabin assembly in mind. All of our logs are bar-coded and numbered for easy identification. Additionally, we offer in-house technical support to assist you throughout the process. We even created assembly videos documenting many of the steps. Below are some of the instructional materials that we include with every kit we ship.
Assembly Legend
The legend includes the shop drawing legend with symbols that the customer may find on the wall notcher drawings and the full floor plan construction drawings. It also explains the log numbering system which makes it easy to know which wall a log belongs on as well as identify the length, log sequence, and quantity included.
Wall Layout
The log wall layout, also known as the notcher drawings illustrates how the walls are labeled. It is a bird’s-eye view of the building with each letter on the drawing representing a wall and the arrow points to that wall on the floor plan. In this diagram, letter “A” represents the front wall of the cabin, and “B” represents the right side of the cabin.
Wall Pages
Each log wall has a page that details what the wall looks like with the log code and quantity.
For example, if you open Wall-A attachment at the bottom left of the drawing you will find a log with the code “A18925D0747D(4)”.
What this means is:
- First letter “A” = Wall A
- 18925 = the log is 189.25″ L
- The letter “D” represents the log profile D for D-log, F for flat log
- 0747 log serial number
- “D” this letter represents that this is the fourth different type of log that length
- (4) = 4 logs like this
Log Packing List
This spreadsheet has a tab for each bundle that we’ve shipped. For example, the first tab is called “Wall A & B”, which means that all of the logs for walls A and B are included in that particular bundle.
This is to help the customer locate a specific log. All logs that come off the notcher machine have a specific place in the bundle. As a result, we can be sure that no logs are missing in the cabin. The WALL A at the end of the number is a quick reference for the customer to know which wall it is for. On some buildings, walls are intermixed so the bundles are uniform. However, on larger buildings, one bundle may contain only one wall.
Log Cabin Assembly General Instructions
The General Instruction Manual includes basic guidelines to assist in the construction of Conestoga Log Cabins. Some of the areas covered are wiring, foundations, stacking logs, roofing, windows, and doors. The manual should work in conjunction with the large floor plan supplied with each cabin. We’ve included supplemental sheets as needed.
*All custom log cabin plans to follow the same assembly procedure and documentation.