We all know how easy it is for false information to travel with all the social media available. When it comes to log cabins and homes, there are quite a few misconceptions floating around, and it’s sometimes difficult to distinguish myth from fact. So, we’ve decided to come up with a list of some common log cabin myths and prove them wrong. Make sure you know the truth behind these inaccurate misconceptions.
The Truth Behind Common Log Cabin Myths
Myth #1: Log Cabin Maintenance is a Headache
Many people assume that, because they’re made of all wood, log cabins and homes require much more maintenance then a traditional home. In reality, they don’t require any more effort than other homes; it’s just a different type of maintenance. Log home maintenance is not the same as conventional home maintenance, but that doesn’t mean it’s any more complicated or time-consuming. As long as you do your research and know how to properly take care of a log structure, you’ll have no trouble at all!
Myth #2: Log Cabins Have Insect Problems
One would think that a cabin made of wood would be a termite’s paradise. However, log cabins and homes are no more susceptible to termite and insect infestation than stick frame houses. Termites are attracted to moisture and they feed on cellulose, an essential component of wood. Luckily, controlling the moisture content in logs controls the insects that attack the wood for food. Many types of logs used in building cabins and homes have been dried out, so they don’t have much moisture. Therefore, they’re not as attractive to termites and insects.
Myth #3: Log Cabins Are Difficult to Build
One of the most common log cabin myths is that they’re challenging to build. Luckily, you don’t have to be Paul Bunyan in order to successfully build a log cabin. In fact, you don’t need prior construction experience at all, especially if you build from a log cabin kit. For example, all of Conestoga’s log cabin kits come with detailed instructions that are easy to follow, and all of the logs are clearly labeled so you know what goes where!
Myth #4: Log Cabins are Harmful to the Environment
Some, misinformed people believe that log cabins hurt the environment because they use wood from trees that are cut down from forests. This is not true! Many log cabin and home companies, like Conestoga, use wood from planted forests. This means that the trees were planted to be cut down and used for timber, which preserves natural forests. Additionally, some companies will also use dead standing trees, which are trees that are already dead before being harvested.
Myth #5: Log Cabins Have Mold Problems
All types of houses and structures are susceptible to mold. The more moisture there is present, the more likely mold is to grow. However, if your cabin is properly designed and maintained, you’ll be in good shape. Be sure to keep an eye on the side of your cabin that receives the least amount of sunlight, as it will stay damp longer after it rains. As long as your logs are kept dry and off the ground, they will last for a long time. Conestoga’s Everlast™ Log is engineered to be mold and mildew resistant.