by | Jun 7, 2022 | Blog, Press Room, Resources
Don’t be those cabin owners who step into their newly finished home wishing they had made a few changes on the cabin floor plans. Fall in love with your log cabin kit from start to finish by asking these 20 key questions: What are the logs made of in your cabin...
by | Apr 19, 2022 | Blog, Press Room, Resources
Her grandma’s cabin stood between two mountains in the Berkshire Valley at Longwood Lake. It was picturesque, quaint, and serene. She excitedly found herself there every summer, enjoying all that the cabin had to offer and making the memories that she holds so dearly...
by | Oct 22, 2021 | Blog, Press Room, Resources
Cabin enthusiasts everywhere dream about what it’s like to be a cabin owner. They have the vision translated on notepads and have consulted all the blogs for ideas. How do we know this? It’s usually written all over their Pinterest boards. Yet while the dream normally...